Chapter 204 - 800,000 army

"Why did the General Yue only order us to chase them away, and not kill them?" At the moment, the First Recruit Army was in charge of launching an attack from the west. Yang Zheng was leading his soldiers up the hill with Liang Hao following behind him.

Liang Hao was heavily injured that day, but he still crawled back up and continued to fight! He had several blade scars on his face, but Liang Hao did not care. These knife scars were the symbol of a man's achievement! Only those who could charge and kill on the battlefield would have this kind of scar! This is a man's medal!

At the moment, he was confused by Yue Fei's orders and asked puzzledly.

"I don't know either!" Yang Zheng shook his head and said.

Their new recruit, the First Army, charged up from the front. Jin Army, who was upstairs, did not sleep the entire night.

Wanyan Loushi had already gathered the troops once again, preparing to lead the troops to resist the new army!

Just then, a Chieftain came rushing over and said, "General, the Han people in the east have already left!"

Wanyan Loushi was startled, and said: "Retreat? How is that possible? "

The Chieftain said in pleasant surprise: "Yeah, he really left!"

He frowned, he felt that the Song Army must have a conspiracy! The Song Army would never let them leave that easily!

He looked down again and saw that there were Song Army s rushing towards him from the south, north and west. Furthermore, there were a lot of them, there was only a huge gap in the east side!

"General, make your decision quickly!" If the Chinese rush us, we will be surrounded, and even more so, we will be on the mountain. We will not be their match at all, only death awaits us! " The Chieftain said anxiously.

"Charge down from the east!" Wanyan Loushi finally made a decision!

Nvzhen had not eaten anything since the fifth day of the first month and the seventh day of the first month. Furthermore, they had not slept well during the battle the entire time. Not only were they exhausted, but the horses they were riding hadn't been able to eat any fodder, so they were also extremely hungry at the moment! The cavalry which should have been incomparably elite, was now advancing at an extremely slow speed!

However, from the looks of it, they were charging down from above with astonishing momentum!

However, just as they reached the bottom of the slope, they realized that there were countless boulders here! Nvzhen immediately stopped the horses. The horses were already exhausted, but now they suddenly stopped, and all of them looked like they were about to wilt!

Nvzhen hastily moved some of the large rocks away, and then left through the gaps between the large rocks!

However, they were too tired. Their speed was always limited! An hour had already passed, and the sky was already starting to brighten up. At this time, the Chinese were still chasing after them!

It was at this moment that the thundering sound of a horse's hooves came from afar!

"That's great! must be a Second Crown Prince! He was already here! Fast! Let's hurry up and find the Second Crown Prince! Wanyan Loushi said excitedly.

He urged the horses under him to move forward with all his might. Not just him, but all the other Nvzhen s as well!

Even though the horses were exhausted, they still moved forward at their master's command!

The Han Chinese were still chasing after them. At this moment, Yang Zheng and Liang Hao, who were in the new First Army, heard the thundering hooves of the horses in front of them.

"Continue moving forward! Don't stop! Pursue from the front! "Fight them head on!" Wang Ying shouted loudly. This was the order Yue Fei had given!

Since there was an order, then Yang Zheng and Liang Hao naturally did not think anymore about it. The two of them followed suit with large strides!

Wanyan Loushi's speed was really too slow, Yang Zheng, Liang Hao and the others could already see the blurry shadow of the Nvzhen in front of them! Gradually, they also saw Wanyan Zongwang's army of one hundred thousand rushing towards them!

Wanyan Loushi finally saw his own great army, and was extremely overjoyed in his heart! At this moment, twenty-seven thousand of his handicapped veterans were charging towards their own troops!

Wanyan Zongwang was walking forward, and the scene of the hundred thousand strong army galloping was extremely shocking! They were like the vast ocean, strong enough to submerge everything!

Their formation was incomparably neat as they advanced crazily, just like the tanks of future generations!

However, just at this moment, over twenty-seven thousand people, led by Wanyan Loushi, had arrived!

Wanyan Zongwang's huge army of a hundred thousand immediately suffered from the attacks from their own people, causing their speed to slow down, and their formation to become disordered!

Wanyan Zongwang had yet to see Wanyan Loushi, so he did not question further about the exact situation. At this time, a hundred thousand Imperial Guards rushed over!

Originally, they were on the plains, and it was already morning. How could a hundred thousand infantry be a match for a hundred thousand cavalry? However, under the charge of his own people, the speed of the true lady army of a hundred thousand was greatly reduced. It was a mess, but the one hundred thousand infantry soldiers were moving forward bravely, their formation not showing the slightest hint of chaos!

In this situation, the one hundred thousand infantry could finally contend with the one hundred thousand cavalry soldiers!

Countless infantry formations were constantly moving forward!

Wanyan Zongwang had already realized that something was wrong, he immediately ordered the troops behind him to circle around, and rush towards the Chinese infantry troops! It was just that it required a process for the cavalry to accelerate. The cavalry behind could also turn around and accelerate. At this moment, the cavalry in front of them had been thrown into an absolute mess. It would be difficult to accelerate even if they wanted to! A cavalryman without speed was not even comparable to an infantry!


One by one, the phalanx continued to shout in unison as they thrust their spears forward in rows!

Under Yue Fei's command, the infantry unit coordinated with each other, and now they seemed to have turned into a huge wall that blocked the Nvzhen!

After four hours had passed, under the command of Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Loushi, the Nvzhen finally gathered together once again.

"Block it!" We must block it! " Wang Ying, Yang Zheng, Liang Hao and the rest used all their might to kill the enemy. Liang Hao's right arm was cut, his right arm was powerless, he had already moved his weapon to his left hand, and was doing his best to kill the enemy!

"Damn it!" After killing so many of our brothers, we will not let this matter rest! " Liang Hao roared, as he chopped off the head of a Jin Army!

All the Expeditionary soldiers advanced forward, but they still tried their best to maintain the formation! The fall in front would not affect the formation at the back. The people in front would not retreat!

But the cavalry still had their own advantages, and gradually the Nvzhen gained the upper hand!

"Haha, you are indeed a lowly Chinese. You actually used infantry to fight against us! This time, I want to annihilate all of these Chinese Army! " Wanyan Zongwang laughed loudly.

"I'm afraid we'll lose a lot after this!" Wanyan Loushi said as he followed behind Wanyan Zongwang.

"Sigh!" The Chinese people had actually become brave and fierce! This was unbelievable! However, it should only be a part of the Chinese people! We rule all over Hebei, HeDong, Shandong, but we don't see much resistance from the Chinese! Back then, when the Liao Country people ruled the Yan Yun Sixteen Prefectures, the number of Han people there far surpassed the Liaoning people, and the Han people did not dare to resist for more than a hundred years! The Chinese were cowardly and lacked the courage to fight. This was something that was ingrained in them, something that would never change! So there's no need to be afraid of them! " Wanyan Zongwang laughed loudly.

Yue Fei was still standing at the top of the hill. This battle should end soon! "

Yue Fei's gaze turned to the east!

Twenty kilometers to the east, more than ten thousand cavalrymen were approaching!

But they were not the clothes of Nvzhen, they were the clothes of the Song people!

They were the cavalry soldiers of the Imperial Guard who had disappeared at the beginning of the battle! The one leading the troops was Zhang Xian!

Behind Zhang Xian followed a young man. This young man was around the same age as Zhang Xian, but he looked very silent, and didn't jump like Zhang Xian!

"Xu Qing, after this battle, we will cross the Yellow River and fight our way to Hedong City and destroy all the Nvzhen in Hedong City!" Zhang Xian said.

"Alright!" The silent youth behind only answered with one word.

"You still don't like to talk!" Zhang Xian laughed.

The young man behind him was called Xu Qing, and like Yue Fei, Wang Gui and Zhang Xian, they were also from Xiangzhou, Tang Yin! Back then, when Yue Fei went to the east side of the river, this person sought after Yue Fei! Throughout history, he was also the Yue Clan Army's main general. Wang Gui, Zhang Xian, Xu Qing, Niu Gao and Dong Xian, he was ranked third! If the history did not change, then Yue Fei and him combined had achieved a great victory in the battle! But now that history had changed, no matter if it was him or Zhang Xian, they had not established much contribution points!

An hour later, they had already arrived at the edge of the battlefield!

At the moment, the war was still continuing. Although the Imperial Guards were at a disadvantage, the tenacity of the Imperial Guards was unbelievable to the Nvzhen! Wanyan Zongwang had already launched several attacks, but there were still no gaps in the Imperial Guards! On the contrary, the Nvzhen was extremely exhausted!

Just at this time, Zhang Xian and Xu Qing led ten thousand soldiers to attack from the back!

Without any suspense, Wanyan Zongwang's army instantly turned into chaos! Nvzhen never thought that Song Army had cavalry! They never thought that the Song Army would be able to train his cavalry to the same level as them!

"We've won!" Yue Fei's face revealed a smile!

The war continued for another two hours before Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Loushi led their army towards the north! To the west, east, and south were the Imperial Guard's horses and horses. Only the northern side of the road allowed them to escape!

The Imperial Guard had been chasing them from behind! Especially those ten thousand cavalrymen, who were exceptionally elite, the Nvzhen could only advance forward!

When the sky was about to turn dark, another group of Song cavalrymen suddenly appeared in the north and charged towards them! Yue Fei had a total of twenty thousand cavalrymen under his command, and previously, Zhang Xian and Xu Qing had led only half of them, but the other half had finally appeared!

The Nvzhen was once again defeated, and continued heading towards the north!

The battle of Fuping had come to an end! In the original history, Chuan Shao had ordered Zhang Jun to preside over the Fuping War, and gathered the Jingyuan Army, Qin Fengjun, Tsinghua Army, Xi He Jun, and Wu Jie's army of five hundred thousand to resist the Jin Army! But Zhang Jun, with his lack of ambition and talent, with no ability to command, was defeated by the woman! If Wu Jie had not turned the tide in Fengxiang Residence, the entire Shaanxi and northwest of the country would probably have been occupied by the Nvzhen! At this time, the time and the background of the battle of Abyss Level was completely different. Yue Fei had only used around a hundred thousand troops and horses, yet he had defeated Jin Army! Of course, at this moment, the elite soldiers of the Imperial Guards were even more powerful than the five-sided army in history!

At the same time that the Imperial Guards went to the north to chase down Valkyrie, countless troops were gathering in the Henan Province!

They were all Song Army, but they were not Zhao Chen's subordinates, but Zhao Gou's subordinates!

An extremely handsome Young Generals was riding on his horse, his face was filled with excitement!

Qin Gui was also riding on his horse, and was following beside the Young Generals!

"Eight hundred thousand soldiers!" We actually used an army of eight hundred thousand! Haha, Emperor Xuanwu will definitely die this time! " The extremely handsome Young Generals laughed.

It is said to be an eight hundred thousand strong army, but the ones with real fighting strength are still the army of General Liu and General Zhang's two hundred thousand! No matter how many were there, it would be useless! If many of the allied armies do not even have weapons, then how will we fight? " Qin Gui said.

"Although they do not have any weapons, they can still be used as meat shields when attacking the city! Even the Cao Cao of the eight hundred thousand strong army didn't have that many soldiers and horses! Furthermore, with the cooperation of the Nvzhen, we will definitely be able to take down the Tongguan and capture him alive this time! After we capture Emperor Xuanwu, I will make him kneel in front of me. I will put my foot on his head, hahahaha … " The handsome Young Generals laughed.

"I wonder how is Nvzhen's battle situation right now?" Qin Gui said.

"Women are truly undefeatable, they will definitely keep winning! The Nvzhen must have lured all of the guards away, since the Tongguan is now empty, we can definitely take over the Tongguan in one fell swoop, and then take over Chang An! " Young Generals said.

"I hope so! "Let's go, it's time to cross the river!" Qin Gui said.

Their army headed west, ready to cross the Yellow River!

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